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Downloads - Charitable Organizations

ORMS Instructional Guide


Instructional Guide for Online Registration of Charitable Organization               

Brochures and Presentations


Charities Organization Act, 2013 and the registration process        


Administration of the Charities Act Presentation        


Post Registration Requirements for Registered Charities and Societies               

Effective immediately, the Department will not accept any application without all the requisite supporting documents.

Charities should submit two (2) copies of documents (along with the original for verification) »»

As per the New Charity Regulation the constitution accompanying an Application for and Renewal of Certificate shall include »»

Registration and Application Forms

Charities Application Form
- First Schedule, Form 1 of the Charities Regulations, 2022               

Application for the Renewal of Charities Registration
- Third Schedule of the Charities Regulations, 2022


Charity Renewal Process (Guide)              

Other Forms

Beneficial Ownership Declaration Form
All Trusts and Foundations are now required to file their Beneficial Ownership Declaration Form.
It may be completed, signed, and returned to the department at any of our locations or scanned and submitted via email to

PEP Self-Declaration Form

Charity - Fit and Proper Questionnaire
- First Schedule, Form II of the Charities Regulations, 2022             

      Guidance Note for Fit and Proper Questionnaire            

      Guidance Note for Fit and Proper Trustees            

Charity Authorized Signature Form

Charity Annual Return (Charity Form 8)

      Guidance Note on Filing of Returns
      and the Maintenance of Accounts

Designated Authority for Protected Charities
- Fourth Schedule

      Guidance Note on Terrorist Financing and Money Laundering            

Notice of Change to Charities Authority (Charity Form 7)              

Request for Revocation of Approval (Charity Form 6A)              

ALL Guidance Note to include
     ► Removing the Limited from your Company's Name
     ► Developing the Administrative and Operations Management Policies and Procedures and
     ► Constructing the Constitution of a Charitable Organization seeking Registration


Special Declaration (Wording recommended by Jamaica Customs Agency)

Plan of Charitable Activities

Acts and Regulations


Charities Act, 2013              


Charitable Organizations (Tax Harmonization)(Misc. Provisions) Act, 2013              


Charities Regulation, 2022              


Backgroung of D.C.F.S

The Department of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies (DCFS), an agency within the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, continues its relentless pursuit of social equity and unity of purpose, which embrace the core values of decency, civility and co-operation. Read more...