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The Department of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies (DCFS), an agency within the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, continues its relentless pursuit of social equity and unity of purpose, which embrace the core values of decency, civility and co-operation. This is accomplished through its role in overseeing the functions of more than 688 entities (consisting of 517 Industrial and Provident Societies, 158 Co-operative Societies, and 442 Societies registered under the Friendly Societies Act) that has been pivotal in allowing Jamaicans the opportunity to combat poverty and improve their standard of living. Its activities have set solid foundations for meaningful change and sustained growth in many sectors of the economy.
Errol, Registrar of Co-operative Societies & Friendly Societies joined the Department in 1980 and was assigned to the Audit Section. He was promoted to Supervisor within a reasonable short period. He had a passion for financial matters and so he further built on the training he received on the job by doing extensive research on financial matters. It was no surprise that he worked his way to the top of the Audit Section in 1999; this position he held until he was appointed Registrar in 2010. He has studied at the Loughborough University in England, Xavier University in Canada, Management Institute for National Development as well as the Jamaica Paralegal Institute in Kingston.
Tanesha graduated from the Norman Manley Law School in 2016 and was called to the Jamaican Bar the same year. She is currently the Director, Inspectorate (Actg) with responsibilities for the Inspectorate Section. Her responsibilities include: Administration of the Acts under the portfolio of the Department of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies (DCFS); and Management of effective regulatory strategies for conducting periodic examinations into the affairs of all societies and organisations registered under the Acts and Regulations.
Prior to joining the DCFS team in June 2011 as a Co-operative Officer, Tanesha worked in the private sector in Banking, Accounting and Administration. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Banking and Financial Services and a Bachelor of Laws Degree, both from the University of Technology.
Social responsibility is of tremendous importance to Tanesha, and each year, along with the Kiwanis Club of South St. Catherine, she visits the island’s female Correctional Institution where church service is held with the residents and care packages are distributed. She is a faith believer, enjoys travelling, reading a good fiction, and listening to a variety of music.
Lavern began her career at the Department as an Auditor and has moved her way up to her current position as Director of Audits and Investigations. She is accountable for the audit of the accounts of all Co-operatives and Friendly Societies, their financial management, and the investigations into fraudulent or unlawful use of these Societies’ funds and assets.
She is a Chartered Accountant, married and has two (2) daughters.
Amoy is an Attorney-at-Law; she was called to the Jamaican Bar in 2017. She has been employed in the Public Service for over seventeen (17) years. Her current assignment is Director, Policy, Research, Training and Development at the Department. Prior to this assignment Mrs. Morrison held the post of Director, Academic Affairs at the Caribbean Regional Drug Law Enforcement Training Centre (REDTRAC), a Division of the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Water and Housing. She also spent a few years as a High School Teacher and has tutored at the University of the West Indies and other institutions.
In addition to her legal qualifications, Mrs. Morrison holds a Master of Science degree in Government- International Relations Specialization; a Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Political Science (double major, Hons.) both from the University of West Indies, Mona; and an Advanced Teaching Diploma (Hons.) from the Mico University College. Mrs. Morrison has a passion for service both at the local and national levels. She is also a Christian who has served in her Church for a number of years and a Track and Field enthusiast.
She constantly reminds herself that if she commits whatever she does to the Lord, he will establish her plans.
Co-operative Societies and Friendly Societies in the island have all come into being with the object of bringing about an improvement in the economic and/or social life of the people who comprise their membership. The role of the Department in this effort is to assist societies to achieve this end by the application of proper co-operative techniques. It can be said, therefore, that the Department exists to assist people to improve their economic and social circumstances, by democratic mutual self-help processes: this assistance is provided through audits, inspections, training and guidance. The assistance however must be thought of as working with (rather than directing) people on projects which affect their everyday lives. On the officers of this Department is therefore placed a responsibility for shaping the Societies they have in their care.
It is therefore the first and main task of officers of the Department to see their jobs as being primarily concerned with people and their lives, and to let the awareness of this fact be the guide in the carrying out of their every day duties.
The above is stated in spite of the Department’s responsibilities as defined in the Co-operative and Friendly Societies Acts and Regulations which are in themselves very regulatory in nature. It is precisely this reality which make the officer’s work more complex and, in a sense, more demanding.
Notwithstanding, the Officers within the Inspectorate Section are at times seen as policemen and gaolers as they endeavour to effect a very important area of the Department’s function. That of ensuring the safeness and soundness of the members' savings and investments, through
Inspection of records, accounts and securities and other assets of the societies, the development and implementation of improved techniques and systems to ensure proper operation of Co-operative Enterprises
Pre-audit checks to ensure audit readiness
Technical assistance at Board, General and Special Meetings in respect of adherence to the Act and Regulations, Rules, proper parliamentary procedures and sound management practices and principles